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Above the Clouds

A professional studio offering high quality Photography and (physical) Product Design services.


We are highly qualified and experienced.

We care about forging strong relationships with our clients.

We work with everyone from individual entrepreneurs, to start-ups, to established companies. 

We astutely work on any and all stages of a project, creating exceptional work that will accelerate your business. 


We tailor our refined and proven workflows to suit your project's requirements.

We utilize modern Photographic and Design tools with expert precision.

We create timeless designs and artwork that propel your competitive advantage. 

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Product Design

Product Design Services

If you have identified a problem in any avenue of life that you think a product can solve, talk to us! We'd love to chat and hear about your ideas during a free initial consultation. 

Whether you have an idea that is vague or specifically mapped out, at its inception or already started, we can work efficiently with you through any and all stages of your project.

As every project is inherently different we will always tailor our process, hand picking workflows that will maximize efficiency, quality, and the final results for you. 

Below is a list of some of the more commonly requested Product Design services we offer. If you don't see a service you require, please reach out to us to explain your project and goals. We  will work with you to get your project moving forward promptly.  

Here is a link to jump to our contact info, or if you would prefer to write to us directly, feel free to email us. 

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Design Brief & Specification Documentation

These are the foundational documents of a successful project. They detail precisely what you are trying to achieve and specify how the project will be executed. They outline the who, what, why, where, when and how answers to your project.

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Market Research

Who are you customers and what are their needs?

Where is your position in the marketplace?

How have your competitors achieved their goals, and how can we surpass them?

Proper research documents all the information needed to successfully navigate your project. 

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Concept Generation

Imagining, investigating, evaluating, testing, analyzing and refining conceptual solutions for you to select an innovative design to advance with. 

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Design Development

You are creating something new, something that doesn't exist in the world today.

We learn along the way, developing our understanding as your project evolves.

Our efficient, complex, and proven workflows will drive your project's development.

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Prototyping  and 3D Printing

Before committing to a costly manufacture process, it is always prudent to evaluate your product by prototyping it. We select the best process to prototype your design, whether that is 3D printing, laser cutting, machining, or any other means. Prototypes are invaluable for validating, testing, and improving the function and visualization of your design.

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Manufacturing Support

We generate all of the files and drawings the manufacturer needs to bring your product to life.

We offer assistance sourcing vendors, and comparing quotes.

We provide QA documents to ensure your product is made right.

We will continue to support you through the entire process of manufacturing your product.


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Photo Realistic Renders

Computer generated images show an accurate visual representation of your product before it's made.

These are useful for making aesthetic decisions (eg. colour options), gaining corporate sign-off, or using for marketing campaigns and packaging graphics.

Product Photography

Product Photography


In Studio Setting or Natural Environment

We have a studio set-up to Photograph your product(s) in a professional lighting arrangement. 

We can also photograph your product in a more contextual setting. We are fortunate enough to be located in beautiful and environmentally diverse corner of the world. This allows us to offer rare photographic services whereby we stage your products in their intended environment, such as Mountains, Beaches, or an Urban setting. 

For example, your outdoor gear may look it's best with a backdrop of snow and mountains, or perhaps you have a wearable device that needs to shot in use during a city bike ride? 

Products Designed by Light + Line or Your Existing Products

We are happy to provide Product Photography Services for any product, as well as the projects we have designed.   

Physical or Digital

We can also combine our photography and product design services. For example, we can render your product from digital CAD models (see the Product Design Service for more info on this), and then create hybrid images combining the render with a photographed background. Or, we could merge both rendered and photographic images of complimentary products to expand on your project's compatibility with other products - the possibilities are endless.

Useful for...

Marketing Campaigns

Social Media

Company Websites

Packaging Graphics

Product Info-graphics (for us on sites such as Amazon)





We offer a range of photographic services. If you don't see the service you are looking for, please contact us regarding the details of your project. We can work within your timeline, and plan to exceed your expectations.

Here is a link to jump to our contact info, or if you would prefer to write to us directly, feel free to email us. 



Whether this is for Interior Designers, Architects, Realtors or any other profession, our  images will elevate your appeal to your target audience. 


Photography - Landscapes

Commissioned artwork of natural or urban scenery can make a memorable experience for your home or commercial space.

Post Processing / Editing

Photography - Post Processing/Editing

Post processing and editing can draw attention to the subject, highlighting its strengths and conveying the persona of your image. 


Photography - Restoration

Restoration of damaged images includes meticulous editing to revive original artwork/photographs. We can also offer high resolution negative scans to convert analogue images to an archival digital format.  

About Us

About Us

We are a family run business based in Canada.

We are hard working, motivated, and respectful.

We want to forge long lasting relationships with clients.

We strive for excellence in our work because it portrays who we are.

We cultivate a working environment of learning and progression.

We have Experience + Knowledge (+ Modesty; we don't know everything and are hungry to keep learning!)

Our Values...

Work Hard

Nothing truly worth having ever came easy. It takes hard work to master a skill or attain something of real importance. 

We work hard and smart. We are willing to put in the effort to exceed expectations. This benefits everyone; our clients receive the results they are seeking and we improve our skill set. Win. Win.

Leave The World In A Better State Than You Found It

More empathy for our fellow humans and their little ones, please.

Be Nice To People

A considerate, supportive, and interested business will work efficiently collaborating with every outreach of it's network. This will result in continued improvement, and lasting relationships with clients and colleagues. 

Nice guys don't finish last, they finish furthest with all their buddies. 

Keep It Simple

To create timeless work that people enjoy. 

Fun, In Everything

Everything should be fun. Fun drives motivation and results. The more enjoyable the process, the more involved and thoughtful the outcomes are.


Jennifer Norman


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Jennifer Norman:

I achieved my PhD in Philosophy in 2010, focusing on Photography and Sociology at the University of Sydney in Australia. Since then, I have run my photography business, and taught numerous photography courses at various public and tertiary institutions. My work has been exhibited in  Australia, the USA, and Canada.


Since meeting my wonderful partner and having our beautiful son, I can't think of anything better than for us to team up and continue pursuing our respective passions - Light + Line.

You can see some of my previous artwork here.

Bryn Lucas

Product Design

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Bryn Lucas:

After graduating from my BSc (Hons) Industrial Design degree in England I settled in Canada. I have been professionally solving complex problems with artistic and functional solutions for over a decade. I enjoy

designing physical and digital products. I am also familiar with a variety of industries such as, audio engineering, outdoor sports, and the medical sector.  

I started Light + Line because Product Design is all about making peoples lives better. This is something I intend to do in all avenues of life, through our company values. 

You can see some of previous work here here.



You can email us directly at:

Alternatively, feel free to tell us a bit about yourself, and what type of project you have in mind using the form below.

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Tell us about your next project...

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For visiting out our website.

We hope you have a fantastic day.

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